Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sometimes Me Gets Lost

I have a very full life.  I have a husband, 5 fantastic stepchildren, and 2 dogs that continuously shed!  I have a great career as a coach with clients I adore.  We are currently making some changes to our home and that require a good deal of time interacting with contractors, inspectors, et al.  There is a lot going on at our house all the time.

I am not complaining, but sometimes I get a little lost when there is so much going on.  Husband needs things, kids have issues that need attention, and the dogs want the ball!  Taxes need to be done.  Items need to be moved from one area to another.  I have no place to have my office during the renovation.  There are never enough hours in the day!  It is so easy to lose Me when life is busy.  The old Cynthia would have been grumpy and  whining to any and all who will listen while shoving a cheeseburger and fries into my face as fast as possible.  Oh and I would wash it all down with a side of chocolate cake and a huge vat of wine!

Through out all the craziness of my day to day life, I have found that if I take at least an hour for myself, I can deal with anything that lands in my lap.  I would not consider myself as an exercise junkie, but during crazy times, I have found that in order to keep my focus, an hour of Zumba or Bar Method gives me sanity and keeps the unneeded calories away.  I have also got meditation on my to try list, just don't have time for that yet.

My point is that no matter what is going on in your life and how busy things can be, take some time for yourself.  Remember that you have to be you in order to be at your best for everyone else!  So what keeps you sane?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Take The Leap!

I have not written in a few weeks but so much has happened that I believe I will have plenty of material for multiple blogs! 
That is me flying through the air.  A few weeks ago I went on a girls trip to my favorite place, Miraval in Tuscon, Arizona.  It has become a very special place to me.  Last year, while at Miraval, I learned about being Mindful and made the decision to become a life coach.  I spent the rest of the year studying and getting certified.

This year, I decided to try the Quantum Leap.  This is where you climb up a 35 foot telephone pole and get on to a one foot by 2 foot board, stand up and look around, say something profound and jump!  When I saw the climb, I thought I would never make it.  They made me go first.  Deep breath!  So, harnessed up and shaking, I started up the ladder.  Made it up there pretty quickly with no issues.  Now I needed to climb onto the actual pole.  The pegs or staples are spaced for normal height people.  I had to wrap my hand around the pole as I was climbing up to the next staple.  I was amazed that I could lift my body weight so easily.  I was able to get to the top at a normal pace.  Then I had to climb onto the teeny tiny platform.

It was a windy day and the pole was swaying from that height.  My legs were shaking as well.  I took awhile before I stood up.  I didn't want to give up and just fall.  The goal was to stand up on the top of the pole.  So, I did.  I stood up and just jumped. 


I never thought that I would be able to climb up a pole and jump off the pole 35 feet in the air.  I was amazed that I wasn't scared to leap.  I knew all was ok.

My take away from the exercise?  It is good to experience things that will make your heart beat a bit faster. I am in better shape than I thought.  It is ok to trust.  The rewards are amazing!  I still giggle when I think about it or see the pictures.

What will you find out about yourself if you were going to climb up and leap off of a 35 ft telephone pole?  How about if you go ahead and commit to that food plan.  What's the worst that could happen?  The best that could happen?

I can help you get to the point where you can enjoy a challange.
Contact me for a free 30 minute session.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Thank God For Coaching!

This is a view from my back door.  It has been this way for the past week.  What was going to be a 3 day event, has turned into a week and counting. 

The reason the incompleted fence is crazy and out of mine and my contractor's hands.  The City of Dallas is currently ruling over this situation.  It is enough to place someone on an IV of valium.

In past years, I would have been ranting and raving and stuffing my face with every sweet available.  When I got the phone call about the stop work order, I must admit that I did growl for a minute, but that was all.

My mind immediately went to all the information I have learned on how to handle things.  This situation was out of my control, so I wasn't going to lose control.  I was able to coach myself out of a dangerous moment.  Nary a cookie was eaten and all the people I have had to interact with over this matter have gotten the kind and relaxed Cynthia and not the angry, out of control Cynthia.  It felt wonderful!

I hate that my backyard looks trashy and icky, but I love the fact that I stayed calm and focused and that I know my coaching ability.  The backyard will get done, just not as quick as I would like.

Wow!  I am an awesome coach! 

I would like to help you feel wonderful and focused too.