Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Change is good.  At least that is what I keep telling myself.  So many things seem to be happening all at once that my head is spinning.  I keep thinking that I need to step away and take a breath, but there is never any time.  Some changes seem to be for good and others, well, lets just call them learning experiences.

Change is stressful.  How does one handle stress?  Many people eat ice cream and sweets, others drink alcohol, and even others may find comfort in "comfort foods".  A few people may find themselves turning to some sort of pills.  Lately I have not been sleeping well.  I also have injured myself while working out and cannot do a normal workout.  I am frustrated!

I am trying to think of healthy things I can do to alleviate stress.  Exercising is out for the moment as I need to rehab my various injuries.  Reading isn't helping.  I spend so much time worrying about my future.  A friend of mine told me that whatever is going to ahppen, will happen.  She is right.  I can't control what other people do, but I can control what I do.

I need to think of my future and the choices I have available to me.  No more worrying about the things I have no control over.  Concentrate on relaxing when not working and trying to get more sleep.  I am open to any suggestions on how to handle change and stress.  Thoughts?