Last week I started a new job! Actually it is my dream job. I had always wanted to be head of bariatrics for an entire hospital. I am the Director of Bariatrics for USMD Hospital of Arlington. Yippee!
Lots of changes going on in the O'Kelly household. Change is good, but change is change. It is hard. I have been out of the corporate world for almost 2 years. Getting back into the swing of things is going to take some time. I am used to having a fluid schedule and now things are a bit more rigid. I do a lot of driving and am truly exhausted when I get home.
People ask me what am I going to do about working out? I tell them that my days have gotten longer as I now have to take the 6am class. Trust me when I say that it would be so easy to let it go and sleep in but my health is a priority. Exercise is important. I don't compromise on that issue. At least that is what I tell myself every morning when that dang alarm goes off!
Chores did not change nor did the needs of my family. Husband has been great at picking up the slack. We are a team and he really has stepped up to the plate. I have had to become a better manager of my time. No longer can I surf the internet and get lost for hours.
The positives? I am making a difference! They like that I am a weight loss coach! It is going to be awesome! Happy dancing all the way to Arlington every day!