Ever felt like this picture? Have you ever thought about a food so much that you were obcessed by the time you got it and crammed it into your mouth? Did you even really taste it?
We do that. We deny ourselves something and quietly it builds up in our mind as the absolute best thing ever. Like a snowball rolling down the hill, it gains momentum until it is HUGE and we become quite crazed at the thought of getting whatever it is we wanted.
Once you get it, is it really worth all the press your brain gave that food? In most cases, I would bet no. This has happened to me many times. I will start thinking about a food, say in this instance, a cheeseburger from a local joint. At first it sounds good but the thought lingers. Then I go through the deny thought process where I tell myself I don't need the calories and should make better choices. Now that might quell my desire for the cheeseburger for a day or so, but the thought always comes back.
Then I decide that I can make a healthier cheeseburger at home and will do so. It just doesn't taste like it did at the local burger joint. Still not satissfied and still want that cheeseburger. Now, if you are like me, I will finally give in and eat so fast that I feel sick. I will eat more than I want and usually I come away thinking that is sounded better than it tasted. Not a happy ending.
I am going to try a new way when the craving for some particular food creeps its way into my brain. I am going to go and get it. Stick with me here as you are thinking I am encouraging you to eat unhealthy, etc. If you find that you are craving something, why spend countless days and calories trying to avoid that particular food, when you can just eat it and move on. Savor the flavor. BUT (and there is always a but), follow the rules. Go slow and only eat until you are full and leave the rest. If you are honest with yourself it might be only half the cheeseburger. You got what you wanted and you didn't end up gorging yourself. Win win if you ask me.
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