Over the last few days, I have had several conversations with friends and family members about friends. I guess with the year coming to a close, quite a few people seem to be re-assessing their relationships. A good friend is very hard to find. I have lots of acquaintances, but very few good friends. I think you know what I am talking about. These are the friends that if they got a phone call from me at 3am asking for help, they would just ask where I need them to go. I have less than a handful and I consider myself lucky. Way too often we lose the real definition of friend and allow some people who do not really care about you, make big decisions for you. Not a good idea.
Now you are wondering what this has to do with weight loss? Loads! Think about it. Are there friends that you call when you want to go and "pig out" on certain foods? Do you have friends that are 'fat' friends? Have you noticed that some people haven't been as supportive of your weight loss journey as you thought? They complain that you are no longer any fun to go out with or that you are changing (and to them, not for the better). These people are not your friends! Friends support you! Friends want you to be successful, even if they lose an eating buddy. A true friend has your best interest in mind and not what you can do for them.
Perhaps with the coming new year, it might be a good time to think about your relationships. Are some of those toxic? Maybe it is time to count your blessings for the close friends you do have and put some distance between you and the Toxic friends. They really aren't your friends.
So true, Cynthia! I hope you count me as a real friend, even if I did make you try my Garretts cheese popcorn this am!