Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pretty Things

I love purses.  My close friends call me a purse whore.  I actually have quite a collection.  I take care of them and rotate them for years.  At this time, I have enough purses to outfit everyone in my Zumba class with at least 2 per person.

I have enough. 

This of course did not stop me when I saw the lovely piece of awesomeness that is pictured here.  The moment I saw it, I rushed right out and snagged this beauty.  I justified it because I didn't have a purse that had white leather.  I quickly brought my purchase home, but for some reason, I didn'tput it into rotation immediately.

After a few days, I realized that I did not even think about my purchase.  I saw it and basically shut my brain down and bought it.  No thinking allowed.

How many times do we do that in our eating?  Do you ever sit down at the table or better yet, in front of the TV and choose not to pay attention to the food in front of you.  Then suddenly it is gone and you are stuffed.  Remorse and regret set in.

I didn't need a new purse.  Once I sobered up from my "got to have it" high, I returned my little lovely so it could end up in someone else's collection.

Think before you do.

Do you need some help with your thought process towards weight loss?
Let's change your thoughts and get you to your heallthy weight.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

No More Buts

I have noticed lately that there are way too many buts in my life.  I am sure you know which buts I am talking about. "I meant to but..." type of but.

Friends, clients, and even family seem to be using these words quite often.  I won't go into detail about them, but I want to mainly talk about my buts.  I am butting myself silly.   What benefit is the word but?  It is an excuse word.  You know after every but, an excuse will follow.

Actually, I have been writing this one post for 2 weeks because I seem to get stuck in the buts.  Ugh!

I am forcing myself to get through this so I can post something completely different tomorrow. 

The big promise I am making to you and myself is that I will try to drop the excuse but from my vocabulary.  No more buts!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Almost Finished!

I must admit I am completely bored with my subject.  Kitchen is not done yet.  But we are close.  Very close.

It is exciting and excruciating at the same time!  In the next week, I should have my home back.  No longer will there be legions of men in my house, making loads of noise at all hours of the day.

I will have my bedroom back as a bedroom.

I can move the kitchen items back into the kitchen. 

My office will be relocated from the 6 bags of files in the closet, back to my office.

My dogs will be able to live in the whole house and not just our bedroom.  Molly will no longer destroy everything in site just to let me know that she isn't happy to be trapped in a room with scary noises outside.  My house will smell better.

I have been busy waiting.  The best part about this situation?  I have been coaching the heck out of myself!  I have learned so much about thought work.  I am confident in my craft.

Now I am ready to coach the heck out of you.  Lets work together.