Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Ack! Too Many Vegetables!

Every week I head off to the grocery store, I buy a bunch of fruits and veggies for my family and myself to enjoy throughout the week. Beautiful heads of lettuce, cucumbers, apples, pears and strawberries!  With the best intentions, we plan to juice some with our Jack Lalanne juicer and cook up a bunch too.  At the end of the week, I end up throwing out a huge portion of these healthy foods.  What happens? Life!

We spend big bucks at the store for healthy fruits and veggies.  Lots of recipes planned.  Then husband has to work late and eats at the office, or we get invited out to dinner. Life jumps in and changes our plans.  So, end of the week, I end up pitching moldy, rotted food.  I HATE THIS!  Produce is expensive.  Sometimes I feel like I am just throwing away money.  I have spent days pondering on what to do.  I can't stand throwing out food, but I cannot force people to stay home and sit at the table.

I have decided to shop for meals for only 24 periods.  Here's the plan: Each day I will meal plan for 24 hours.  If we are going to juice for the next days breakfast, I will get what is needed for that day.  If dinner is at home, then I will get just what is needed and only that.  This may mean more trips to the grocery store, but it will also help us save money.  Hopefully, it will keep us from wasting food.
We all want to eat healthier.  It just gets so frustrating to waste food.

How do you keep from wasting food?


  1. I will freeze veggies that I plan to use in my smoothies. It makes for a shake like texture and helps fool the taste buds if I am just not in the mood to be good.

    If it is a veggie planned for meals, I will blanch and freeze them. The texture isn't quite the same in stirfry, but saves some of the losses.

  2. I have a hyper=active German Shepard that helps with a lot of leftovers.. :)

    1. Lisa,
      We are looking for a new dog since ours recently passed away. Our previous dog, did not like veggies!

  3. CH,
    Love this idea and I will try it.
