Monday, June 27, 2011

Blowing Some Steam

My husband calls me 'sensitive'.  I hate that word.  The moment he says 'sensitive' to me, I can guarantee we will have an animated 'discussion'.  OK, so I get a bit sensitive when people are ugly to me.  I also am very sensitive to what people are feeling (I view that as a good thing) and can correctly choose the right way to proceed in order to spare their feelings.  So, my sensitivity has good and bad features.  Regardless, I am known as the designated family crier, as anything that is sad, sweet, exciting, et al. can cause me to well up with tears.  My niece is getting married this July, break out the tissues!

Today, I figured out that at times I am not being sensitive enough in some situations.  Whereas in my home life, I can become weepy at the drop of a hat, in my work life, I seem to be a bit hardened.  Fancy that!  I like the people I work with and I adore my patients.  I feel that it is an honor that they have selected my company and myself to help them through this process.

What drive me nuts is when they no show for appointments.  I don't mind if you cancel.  Life happens and things come up, but don't make me track you down to find out that you forgot.  I have no patience for that.  If you expect me to be here to help you, the least you can do is show up!
Sheesh!  OK stepping down off of the soapbox.  Better now.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Today I am just "over it"!  I am tired of the heat (way too soon to be saying that), tired of the traffic, tired of work, tired of exercising, tired of watching what I eat, etc.  All I want to do is float in my blow up pool and read.

The reality check is that I cannot float and read all the time because I would be bored after the first day.  I would feel like I needed to be doing something.  My husband says I never just give myself permission to do nothing.  I admire that he can shut off the day and just watch some mindless movie.  Me?  I must be DOING something while watching TV.  Pay bills, run through my endless stream of magazines, clean something.

With all the things I keep doing, you would think I kept a nice, neat and tidy house.  No.  It looks like most people's houses.  Well, the ones who don't have Mighty Maids on speed dial.  It isn't  ready for "Hoarders" either.  Just "cleanish".

This past weekend, I had a neighbor who loves to organize come over and help me clean out the art closet.  She has had surgery and I am trying to keep her busy with things that won't have her lifting.  I only allowed her to point and direct.  I did all the moving of crap.  It looks wonderful and I was exhausted after all the work.  This Saturday we are doing my closet.  I am terrified!  She will be ruthless.  I won't have any clothes left! 

I guess I am delivering this random stream of consciousness with a purpose.  I plan on giving myself permission to do nothing one evening in the next week.   What do you need to give yourself permission to do?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


What motivates you to lose weight?  Better health?  That short skirt hanging in the closet?  An upcoming event?
My sister and I have been on the "Bridal Diet".  Now this is no specific diet, but it is one that has motivated both of us to lose about 15 pounds a piece.  We both are shooting for at least 5 more pounds.  We are motivated because her daughter is getting married this July and we want to look good in the pictures.  Even our husbands have jumped in on the dieting.  We all are working out like crazy and trying to drink less and eat better.  It hasn't been too hard because we all have a common goal.  I must say I do have an advantage over them by having the LapBand, but I don't have it so tight that I can't eat anything, just small portions.
It is funny how weight can creep up on you.  We have all been complacent about our weight for quite awhile, but once my niece was engaged, we decided we were all too heavy.  Even banded, I had let a few pounds slide on.  Granted, I had Mono last year and that threw me backwards, but I should have started paying attention to the pounds that had jumped on, long before March of this year.  It feels good to be back into all my clothes.  I am sleeping better!  My husband isn't snoring as much!  It is a positive all around!  Maybe not a complete positive, my pants are getting too loose and I believe that there is shopping in my future.  Husband isn't too happy about that!  My sister is looking fantastic!  She did some shopping and looks fabulous in her new dresses.  She will do well as the Mother of the Bride.
So, what will happen when the wedding is over?  How will we all stay motivated to continue on and either lose a few more pounds or maintain our new healthier status?  What motivates you to keep going?  I am open to all suggestions.