Ever felt like this picture? Have you ever thought about a food so much that you were obcessed by the time you got it and crammed it into your mouth? Did you even really taste it?
We do that. We deny ourselves something and quietly it builds up in our mind as the absolute best thing ever. Like a snowball rolling down the hill, it gains momentum until it is HUGE and we become quite crazed at the thought of getting whatever it is we wanted.
Once you get it, is it really worth all the press your brain gave that food? In most cases, I would bet no. This has happened to me many times. I will start thinking about a food, say in this instance, a cheeseburger from a local joint. At first it sounds good but the thought lingers. Then I go through the deny thought process where I tell myself I don't need the calories and should make better choices. Now that might quell my desire for the cheeseburger for a day or so, but the thought always comes back.
Then I decide that I can make a healthier cheeseburger at home and will do so. It just doesn't taste like it did at the local burger joint. Still not satissfied and still want that cheeseburger. Now, if you are like me, I will finally give in and eat so fast that I feel sick. I will eat more than I want and usually I come away thinking that is sounded better than it tasted. Not a happy ending.
I am going to try a new way when the craving for some particular food creeps its way into my brain. I am going to go and get it. Stick with me here as you are thinking I am encouraging you to eat unhealthy, etc. If you find that you are craving something, why spend countless days and calories trying to avoid that particular food, when you can just eat it and move on. Savor the flavor. BUT (and there is always a but), follow the rules. Go slow and only eat until you are full and leave the rest. If you are honest with yourself it might be only half the cheeseburger. You got what you wanted and you didn't end up gorging yourself. Win win if you ask me.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Thursday, January 24, 2013
If Not Now, When?

Yesterday,I heard someone say "If not now, when?" and I actually stopped in my tracks. I have no idea in what context this person was using this statement, but it was a total game changer for me. Why do we wait on making changes? Let's look at some of the answers people give:
"I want to research this" Really? Haven't you been thinking about weight loss, moving, going back to school, or whatever it is for awhile now? Is there a difference between thinking about and 'seriously' thinking about a change?
"I am too busy" Busy being unhappy. If there is something on your mind that you know would improve your life, why are you even wasting one more day? Take a deep breath and leap!
"I am scared" Change is always scary. You can 'what if' yourself to death. But you are a strong person and can handle whatever happens. You have gotten this far in life. Why cheat yourself out of a victory? If you do nothing, then nothing is what you will get. Everyone's mission in life is to move forward. How will you move forward?
There are so many things going on currently in my life that I would love to say, "Whoa lets slow down for a little while and ponder on these decisions." That would be the wrong thing to do. It is very hard to leave the comfort of my bed every morning, but things must move forward. Life must be lived! Am I scared? Yes! Do I push through? Yes! The reward will be fantastic because I have earned it.
I am standing on my soapbox because lately I have seen way too many people who are miserable in their lives, because they are choosing not to live it! So, I encourage you to take the leap of faith and just go ahead and do it. Don't try, do! The worst that can happen is that you end up where you are now. The best? Well that is whatever you want it to be. New Job? Lose weight? Better relationships and less toxic people in your life? You name it and then do it!
I can help. I can guide you through this process. www.losinggracefully.com
"I am too busy" Busy being unhappy. If there is something on your mind that you know would improve your life, why are you even wasting one more day? Take a deep breath and leap!
"I am scared" Change is always scary. You can 'what if' yourself to death. But you are a strong person and can handle whatever happens. You have gotten this far in life. Why cheat yourself out of a victory? If you do nothing, then nothing is what you will get. Everyone's mission in life is to move forward. How will you move forward?
There are so many things going on currently in my life that I would love to say, "Whoa lets slow down for a little while and ponder on these decisions." That would be the wrong thing to do. It is very hard to leave the comfort of my bed every morning, but things must move forward. Life must be lived! Am I scared? Yes! Do I push through? Yes! The reward will be fantastic because I have earned it.
I am standing on my soapbox because lately I have seen way too many people who are miserable in their lives, because they are choosing not to live it! So, I encourage you to take the leap of faith and just go ahead and do it. Don't try, do! The worst that can happen is that you end up where you are now. The best? Well that is whatever you want it to be. New Job? Lose weight? Better relationships and less toxic people in your life? You name it and then do it!
I can help. I can guide you through this process. www.losinggracefully.com
Biggest Loser,
DFW Bandsters,
Gastric Sleeve,
life coach,
live in the moment,
losing gracefully,
losing weight,
weight loss,
weight loss coach,
weight loss coaching
Friday, January 18, 2013
We Are Doomed!
It is so hard to step out of your comfort zone. It is terribly scary. People love to say they embrace change, but when asked to truly change, they can find all sorts of reasons why it won't work. Einstein's statement is so true! Unfortunately, you spend way too much time repeating your mistakes instead of taking a deep breath and moving forward and changing your life.
If you hate your job, update your resume and starting looking for the next position. The only thing that is holding you back from success is YOU! What is the worst thing that will happen to you? You end up in the same job? Well, that is what is going on now...you are experiencing the worst. I am just starting up my own weight loss coaching business. It is scary to try to market myself and to make those cold calls. Is it because I am not good at what I do. Heck no! I worked hard to earn my certification and I know I am good. Just because you are good, doesn't mean the clients fall into your lap. You have to get your name out there and develop your client base. It takes time and focus. It would be so easy to just go back and get a job in the weight loss business. Would I be happy? Nope. Right now, though I am afraid of my next step, I am excited to see where it will lead me! Is it easy? No way! This is one of the hardest things I have ever done.
When it comes to weight loss are you doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again? What is keeping you from moving forward? Why not contact me and we can get your brain working differently on how you see food. Is it hard? Yes! Is there dieting? No, those don't work. Will you be successful? That is up to you. If you are ready to try something else because the same old diet commitment hasn't ever worked for you, or it worked for awhile and failed, then consider weight loss coaching. Let's get you to your forever healthy weight. Train your brain to think differently about food. Lose the weight. Be a healthy success story. You can do this. I can help.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
How Are Those Resolutions Working For Ya?
We start the new year off with lots of resolutions. This year I am getting organized. No more clutter. I am going to eat healthier. I will exercise everyday. I will finally lose the weight. Sound familiar?
You have to have the right equipment. New running shoes, workout clothes, paper products, juicers, diet programs, and all sorts or other paraphernalia are purchased in order to help us get to our goals.We are all full of good intentions and determination, but usually by the end of January, all resolutions are broken or ignored.
The excuses start to roll in. "Work has gotten so busy." "The kids have so much going on that there is no time for me." "It's just too hard". Go ahead and add your own excuse. Remember it is just that: an excuse.
You can make all the resolutions you would like, but if you don't start with your thought process, it will be very hard to be successful. Get right with the mind, then the body will follow. If you view yourself as a failure at dieting, exercising, etc. you are doomed to prove yourself right.
Want to change those thoughts? I can help. I am a certified weight loss coach and can teach you the tips and techniques for success. So, if you would like 2013 to end with you moving to or at your forever healthy weight, go to www.losinggracefully.com
It is time to treat the cause and the symptom!
You have to have the right equipment. New running shoes, workout clothes, paper products, juicers, diet programs, and all sorts or other paraphernalia are purchased in order to help us get to our goals.We are all full of good intentions and determination, but usually by the end of January, all resolutions are broken or ignored.
The excuses start to roll in. "Work has gotten so busy." "The kids have so much going on that there is no time for me." "It's just too hard". Go ahead and add your own excuse. Remember it is just that: an excuse.
You can make all the resolutions you would like, but if you don't start with your thought process, it will be very hard to be successful. Get right with the mind, then the body will follow. If you view yourself as a failure at dieting, exercising, etc. you are doomed to prove yourself right.
Want to change those thoughts? I can help. I am a certified weight loss coach and can teach you the tips and techniques for success. So, if you would like 2013 to end with you moving to or at your forever healthy weight, go to www.losinggracefully.com
It is time to treat the cause and the symptom!
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