You would think that while I am currently unemployed, I would be blogging like crazy. I have found that I am very busy. I clean the house, apply for jobs, cook and exercise. Take the exercise out of it and I have become June Cleaver/Julia Child! Never thought I would enjoy cooking and cleaning. Now I don't vacuum in pearls, more like exercise gear, but I do get excited when I learn how to really clean my stainless steel sink from Pinterest.
Yesterday, for the first time, I had my hand up a chicken's butt, pulling out icky stuff and putting in lemons and vegetables. Never had done that before. Ew. I now understand why Julia Child would get pickled on wine while cooking. It is hard work! After spending over 2 hours prepping and setting off the fire alarm from smoke, I make a damn good chicken, but I was exhausted! To think that I could get almost the same thing at Tom Thumb for $6.00!
The best thing about my time off is I am learning loads about myself. I am happy. I have been reading several books about directions I could take in life. I know I want to do something, but just haven't zeroed in on what. So, while I look for my next career, I will continue to find out how to get my whites, whiter and try to make delicious meals for the current main wage earner (husband). So far, I have mastered chicken, meatloaf, pot roast and salmon. I wonder what will be next???
Cute! Enjoy yourself, sister!