Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Slow Down There

Remember when you were a kid and your Mom would fuss at you for eating too fast?  She might have said, "Slow down, where's the fire"? My dad use to say "Slow down and taste the vanilla".  Today, I find myself saying to the men in my family "If you have to angle your bite to get it into your mouth, then it needs to be cut in half".

In today's world, the media has done a great job in trying to get us moving on to the next thing as quick as possible.  You see people eating and running all the time.  Next time you are out driving at lunch, look around and notice how many people are eating and driving at the same time.  We are much too busy to take 15 minutes out of our lives and enjoy a meal at a table.  Just as driving and texting is not safe, driving and eating is not safe for a weight loss surgery patient.

The most important rule you can learn for any weight loss surgery is to SLOW DOWN and CHEW your food.  Sounds easy huh?  Those of us who have had surgery will tell you that it isn't easy to do.  One must be able to concentrate on eating.  If you get distracted, you will revert back to the old ways and swallow a bite of not well chewed food.  Chances are, it might come back for a encore performance! 

When I first married my loving husband and added 5 children to my life, dinner was a whirlwind!  I would have taken about 3 bites, when everyone at the table would be finished.  I would encourage them to leave the table, but they insisted on waiting for me to be finished.  So, I would have many pairs of eyes staring at me whilst I ate.  Well, that awkwardness would guarantee a spit up as I would attempt to eat quicker and would not chew my food.  I finally spoke to my husband and asked his support in tracking with me (eating at my pace) at meals, so I would be able to keep dinner down.  He agreed and since he slowed down, he lost 10 pounds without even trying!  Go slow, chew well!

1 comment:

  1. LOL.. I was driving and eating cottage cheese tonight. NOT my usual thing, but at least I chose something very unlikely to get stuck. :)
