I don't really hate May, but it is always so crazy! Everyone is busy! Kids are doing their final recitals, final events, end of year exams, etc. There are graduations all over the place! There are so many things going on, that it becomes easier to pick up dinner from the drive through greasy spoon down the street.
It is so hard to stay focused on weight loss. Who has time to plan? Too busy to drink enough water. Working out...are you kidding? Too busy driving everyone to their events! Sound familiar?
It is a busy month, but not too busy to stay healthy. All it takes is a little planning. While you are waiting for whatever event to begin, take out pen and paper and plan your meals. Every morning, throw a water bottle in your purse. On Saturday or Sunday, make some chicken breasts or several cassaroles and freeze them for use during the week. Find time to workout. I know it is a pain, but we all have to do it! Just suck it up and go for it.
Hang in there, June is right around the corner!